Crash in VorpX Config

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  • #169050

    After updating the program today my VorpX config crashes when i click on “Restore Game Settings.” I’ve reinstalled VorpX and it didn’t help. I’m assuming the “Game Settings Optimizer” was taken out because it’s no longer an option, but the replacement crashes VorpX config every time i try to click on it. All the other settings/links in the config work fine, its only the Restore Game Settings hyperlink i click on.

    Does anyone else have this issue? I didn’t see it listed in the other issues here.


    sorry, forgot to mention specs:

    Nvidia GTX 1080 8GB
    Intel i7 4770
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Oculus Rift – Consumer
    VorpX 17.3.0


    The Game Settings Optimizer is now part of the core app. The video below explains the basic. Sounds like the crash you see happens when vorpX tries to retrieve info from the profile database.

    Please try the following steps and let me know whether or not that helped:

    1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Animation Labs
    2. Rename (don’t delete) the vorpX folder inside that folder.
    3. Reinstall vorpX.

    ‘Show Hidden Files’ has to be enabled in the Windows Explorer options to see the ProgramData folder

    If that solves the issue, it would be great if you could make a ZIP from the original vorpX folder in ProgramData and send that to support |at| vorpx com. That would allow me to investigate the crash.

    And here’s the video about the new (almost invisible) optimizer:


    Immediately after updating the program, crashes occurred in “Restore Game Settings”. After some PC reboots it has not happened anymore.


    I see, maybe the profile database wasn’t updated when you tried first. That happens when the actual vorpX control app is started the first time after an update. Not sure if there’s a way around that glitch, but I’ll check whether that can be an issue.

    Thanks for the heads-up.


    I confrim,
    I have the same Vorpx crash when I click in “Restore Game Settings”.


    I also have the crash upon clicking the “restore” entry.

    Also my vorpX Desktop Viewer does not start anymore and trying to start the Desktop Viewer also does not pull the Oculus software to start (it used to start on it’s own upon starting the Desktop Viewer).

    Do you also have the issue with Desktop Viewer?


    This is a similar issue to what I am having.

    Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB
    AMD Ryzen
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Oculus Rift – Consumer
    VorpX 17.3.0


    Everyone with the “Restore Game Settings” crash: it would be great if you could post the content of a certain ini-file here. That would be a huge help for trying to reproduce the issue.

    1. Go to your C:\ProgramData\Animation Labs\vorpX folder
    2. Open settingsbackup.ini with a text editior and post its content here

    To see the ProgramData folder “Show Hidden Files” has to be enabled in Windows Explorer.


    Hi Ralf,

    in my case, I do not have the requested .ini file.
    On my whole drive there’s no file with that name. The only .ini-Files I have under
    ProgramData\Animation Labs

    x@y /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Animation Labs
    $ find ./ -iname “*ini*”


    Good to know, that might already be the problem.

    I can’t check ATM, but if that file is not there, you haven’t played a game yet where vorpX changed any settings and there is nothing to restore. So this might just be a – rather stupid – bug where the config app tries to open a non-existent ini and can’t handle that.

    For you that would mean that you can ignore the crash and that it would go away as soon as you played a game where vorpX actually changed settings.


    The Desktop Viewer still does not start, but I can confirm that, after wiping vorpX and starting Witcher 3, clicking on “Restore…” does not crash the config app but lists one entry regarding Witcher 3.

    Any chance that we can debug why the Desktop Viewer does not work anymore? Anyone else having trouble with Desktop Viewer?


    May be its a syntax error in the code. vorpX is looking for settingsbackups.ini , not settingsbackup.ini

    create a file in C:\ProgramData\Animation Labs\vorpX\Backup named settingsbackups.ini keeps from crashing. Dont know if it will restore the settings, but at least no more error :-.


    Do you want more settingsbackup.ini here, or it’s ok now ?
    Edit: In fact, i don’t have this file in this rep too ;)


    No, the cause of the issue has been identified. It only happens until the ini file is created.

    You can safely ignore the crash. As soon as you play games where vorpX actually changes settings, the crash goes away and those games show in the list.

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