Crysis 1

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  • #80510

    This is supposed to work with geometry 3D but I can’t enable it ingame? VorpX hooks up correctly but can’t select any stereo mode ingame. Im using the old disc version so that might be the issue, if so is there to way to fix this?


    For Geometry 3D you have to start it in DirectX 9 mode. Can’t remember currently whether that can be done in the game options. If not, you can simply add -dx9 to the game’s shortcut or the launch options in Steam if you use the Steam version.

    There currently is a glitch with the minimap not showing correctly when you scale the HUD in Geometry 3D mode. That will be fixed with the next update.


    Tried launching it in dx9 mode but vorpx still says, “this game is not currently supported etc etc”

    Well not really a big deal since this game is still very demanding and propably couldn’t play it with geometry 3d anyway. :)


    Sounds like vorpX can’t pick up its profile for the game, otherwise it would display another message. The check for that is based on the .exe name. Should be Crysis.exe.

    The best way to check whether that is true in your case is checking your task manager while the game runs. Some games have different .exe names for special editions or launch child processes with other names when an (older) version with DVD copy protection is used.

    Would be great if you could send a mail with your findings to support |at| vorpx com.


    Ok so I was trying to use the Crysis64.exe instead of Crysis.exe, after changing to 32bit version it hooked up correctly.

    The funny thing is that as I suspected the fps isn’t great but for some reason it still runs much smoother than most games I played. Others usually require that 75fps to get smooth headtracking but this one is still playable with much less.

    Anyway thanks for the help, Crysis looks really nice with geometry 3d and I recommend anyone who has this game and vorpx to try it out. No major glitches found during brief testing, only some black bars(?) during cut scene but while player controlled looked really nice. :)


    Thanks for the feedback. I will add the 64bit .exe to the profile.

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