Crysis 2 does not work

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    I bought and downloaded crysis 2 version steam, to play it with vorpx, after seeing that is in the list of supported games, however, the game does not work at all for me.Any help with this?

    On the other hand crysis 1 (steam version)has broken my reconstruction 3D geometry in this latest Vorpx version, with important graphical quite a while problems with several games from the list of supported vorpx.
    Any idea how to fix this?


    Crysis 1 has to be run in DX9 mode for Geometry 3D like indicated in the vorpX start message and the Game Optimizer. You have to add “-dx9” (without the quotes) to the start options in Steam, DX10 is Z3D only. For Crysis 2 please try to change between the different DirectX version that the game offers. Can’t remember ATM, but not unlikely that only one of them works, the game is Z3D only.


    Crysis 1:Yes, I have made the right step to run under DX9, and reconstruction geometry is represented in the game, the problem is that it presents hight graphics problems.
    z-modes seems to work properly.
    Previously,I did not happen this problem in the past versions(g3d).

    Crysis 2:Yes,actually only z-buffer, but the problem is that it does not perform the injection, vorpx has a bug, and collects and sends information to Microsoft dialog automatically.

    PD:Just to clarify:
    I’m used to perform these steps usually for games that only support DX9 geometry. Apart administrator modes also check soil and other potential problems in case troubleshooting before reporting.
    In this case, almost certainly I think there is a problem with the latest version vorpx.

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