Cyberpunk very low fps 3080

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    Hi I’ve spent 5 hours try various different settings in game and with the vorpx menu (delete key) but still get only 30-40fps but also a lot of extreme juttery movement. The cpu and gpu sit at around 70% utilisation. I’m using a 3080 and i7 7700k with 16gb ram on a ssd on windows 11. I’ve tried the different vr modes and different resolution modes. (Low to ultra) in game and in vorpx. No ray tracing and low settings on both in game and the mod.

    I’m reading there is the vorpx mod that I downloaded on the website and used the .exe. But there is also a standalone mod?

    What is better a combination of in game dlss/fsr with vorpx fsr? A specific Resolution in game and using very nice/phenomenal? Do I lower the resolution in oculus desktop app to a certain resolution?

    Any help in getting a smoother frame rate with ok visuals would be greatly appreciated thanks


    Does airlink or wired make a difference? I’m also using a quest 2 and there is an also a display on the tv that shows the game. Does that display on the tv cost more rendering and effect the fps?


    That sounds decisively wrong. Displaying the game on the screen doesn’t make a difference normally. Airlink should work, but if in doubt try wired.

    If you have other mods installed, try without.

    Also try to reset as much stuff to default as you can. The resolution in the Oculus app as well as the mod settings. Easisest way to do the latter is reinstalling the mod. With your rig you should be able to get decent performance at roughly medium settings in the game’s graphics options and the resolution in the mod menu one or two notches above default.

    Last but not least check whether you maybe have any tools running that also hook into games. If in doubt disable *evrything* running in the background.


    Thanks for your reply. Still very janky especially when spinning the camera to the sides. Walking straight is ok.

    In the oculus debug tool do I change asynchronous space warp to disabled or something else. Any other changes I need to make in the debug tool?


    Ok you were right I think it was afterburner and riva that were causing the issues. The resolution and game look much better and now I get around 50-60fps outdoors. One more thing that’s a little jarring is when turning in car or on foot. The fps is very juttery anything to fix this?


    Try to switch to the ‚3D-Reconstruction‘ option in the mod menu to ‚Z-Normal‘.

    Sounds as if the default alternate frame 3d method is not for you. Z3D doesn‘t look as natural at clos distance, but on the other hand doesn‘t come with any of uncomfortable issues introduced by rendering both eyes at different points in time.

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