I got this free program called Daz 3D where one can render 3D characters and it doesn’t work properly with vorpX.
It did almost work but the Daz 3D GUI was missing. All I could see through oculus rift was the viewport of Daz 3D through Oculus Rift.
When I tried to display the vorpX ingame settings the mouse wasn’t showing correctly. I had to click around to make it move but I couldn’t change any settings cause I couldn’t click anything on the settings menu and it seemed the headtracking was conflicting with the mouse placement.
I could see the Daz 3D GUI on my actual monitor but Daz 3D viewport through oculus rift. Note I launched the program through vorpX Desktop Viewer. Like vorpX couldn’t decide if it was a game or a regular program.
My question is how can I launch the program as just a desktop program while I can see the Daz 3D viewport as vorpX VR?
vorpX only grabs the part of the program that s drawn by DirectX or OpenGL. After all it’s meant for games.
If you are on Windows 8 or above, the vorpX desktop viewer *may* (emphasis on may) help. After starting the desktop viewer, pause the watcher (tray icon right click menu) to prevent vopX from hooking normally when you launch the program.
I do have Windows 8.1 and it did help but it wasn’t in VR. There wasn’t any depth perception.
Have you guys any plans for patching the program for such incompatibilities? A desktop / game or program hybrid mode?
You can render a SBS video with DAZ which you can watch with vorpX (or any other sbs video player) but makes absolutely no sense for vorpX to work with DAZ itself as DAZ is a rendering software.