Default Profile Use – F1 2019

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    Hello, I’ve owned Vorpx for a long time but have never used it much. Trying to learn a little more and play some F1 2019 in VR.

    My main question is, when a game has a default profile, is that pretty much all you need to do or should I be adjusting other settings? I did adjust the recommended ingame settings that the popup told me to adjust, like FOV to 1.0 and turned on trackir ingame.

    Everything works pretty well but the head tracking seems floaty and there’s like a black bar toward the bottom and top of the Rift S screen, like it’s cut off.

    Seems playable but not what I was hoping for, and I’m wondering if I’m just missing something.

    Thanks for any help.


    Some of the floaty camera feeling I think is from the HUD shifting around my view. Turned that off and it seems a bit better.

    It still seems like I can look “offscreen” and then the screen catches up with the headset.


    To my knowledge there is no way to set the game’s FOV higher than the 1.0 menu settings, so to match the FOV to your headset the missing rest is accounted for by zooming out the image. Hence the top/bottom bars.

    If you want to learn more about the various options that exist in regard to FullVR FOV, please check the Essential Hints Guide in the vorpX help. It explains the basic principle and what can be done depending on the game.

    Not sure about the tracking delay. That should not be the case normally with TracKIR tracking. Please try to reset the profile to default in the config app to ensure vorpX is really setup for using TrackIR an not the indeed rather laggy gamepad emulation tracking.

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