Desktop Viewer in Win 7

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    Is there any viable way i can make this run in Windows 7? I’m really not a big fan of Win 10 and its mandatory updates. Virtual Desktop makes a similar claim that it wont work properly in Win 7 but it does so just fine here, any ideas to make Desktop Viewer do the same?


    The vorpX desktop viewer definitely only works with Win 8+ ATM, sorry. Windows 7 does not provide the functionality that is used to capture the desktop. Windows 7 support for the desktop viewer is on the medium priority list, but I can’t really say when it will be done.


    I guess i could just try it on my Win 10 setup, would i be able to install Vorpx and register it on two OS’s?


    No problem. Just send the request code that is displayed in Win 10 to get a key.

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