Detecting Skyrim

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    I’m having trouble getting Vorpx to detect Skyrim SE on my computer. I have limited space on my C: drive so all my games are installed to my E: drive. Could this be the issue, and if so what is the work around? I have been unable to find an option to link Vorpx to the .exe file for Skyrim or any other game.




    I’ve been looking to purchase VorpX but this would be a major issue for me. My C: Drive in a m.SATA drive with limited space as well. Most of my games are installed on my E: F: and G: drives. Does vorpX hook in to a program based on the filename.exe or does it rely on a standard file path only on the C: drive?


    It doesn’t matter where games are installed.

    If vorpX can’t hook into a game that is almost ceratinly caused by an injection conflict with some other program that also hooks into games.

    Hottest candidates are: virus scanners, any sort of CPU/GPU utilities, game video recording/streaming software, chat programs and generally everything that can show notifictations in games.



    Thank you for the response. How do I mitigate this issue? Skyrim is pretty much the whole reason I purchased Vorpx and I can’t get it running. I have anti-virus, but no CPU/GPU utilities or video recording systems. What is the work around?

    Thank you,



    The best option to trouble shoot this is disabling all programs running in the background, especially the ones mentioned above.

    More detailed and additional trouble shooting steps can be found in the help and here.

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