Device Selection Issues

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    I am not new to Vorpx but recently got time to play with it due to the recent situation.

    I am stuck with a new problem here and need some help please.

    In the Device Selection there is now only one choice which is

    Generic VR headset (desktop mode)

    All the other options strangely won’t show up.
    Steam VR – Pimax / Oculus

    I personnaly own an old HTC vive, a Pimax 5K+ and an Oculus Quest…

    Impossible to get the image straight in the headset like in the old time

    Is it something to do with an update?
    Do i miss anything, like a file or an update? I am currently running the version

    Some help would be highly appreciated.



    Sounds like a broken/incomplete installation, there should also be ‘SteamVR’ and ‘Oculus’ devices normally. Please try a full reinstall, that will probably fix your issue.


    Thanks for your reply,

    I have runned the vorpX_WebSetup.exe and made a reinstall, and everything went back to normal.

    Don’t know how I got there in the first place, but thanks for your answer.

    Issue totally solved


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