Did G3D for farcry blood dragon break?

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    I never really had a problem with it before but I’ve recently gone back to it (its maybe been about a year) and can’t for the life of me get the G3D to trigger

    Also ive noticed the game halts as it tries to ping the ‘blooddragon online servers’ at least twice in the proccess of loading up a game whi h i never remember it doing before…


    Apparently there was a game update a while ago that made the game detection fail due to a changed .exe name. As far as I can tell from a brief five minutes check there luckily haven’t been any changes that break the actual profile.

    Grabbing the updated ‘Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon [vorpX]’ profile from the cloud will fix the game detection.


    Thanks once again ralf! Amazing reaponse time from a seemingly one man army I don’t know how you do it

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