Hi there, i use the resolution of 1920×1080 instead of 1920×1440 with games having some unsolvable FOV problems (in my case, Call of Duty Ghosts is an example, but also The Crew and other games without 3d rendering). Doing so the upper and lower portions of the screen are occupied by a dinamic effect called “ambience”. This effect can be disabled with the Virtual Cinema mode but not with the regular Vorpx visualization. I think that black screen, in this case, is much better thatn any effect as it blends with the hud itself and the loss of vertical FOV is minimal and can barely noticed using a black background (i am pretty sure of this because of some games like Mirror’s Edge). On the other hand, ambience is like a constant reminder of the adaptation.
I wonder if there’s an advanced setup i can use for that, or if Ralph can consider this for the next Vorpx version. Thanks for any reply.