Remap grip buttons or disable edgepeek

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    When using Quest 3 touch controllers with Vorpx button mapping, can the grip buttons be remapped? Currently the left grip is used for shift remapping the buttons, and the right grip is used for edgepeek in VorpX, and I would like to be able to disable edgepeek, or remap the right grip so it doesn’t activate the edgepeek.

    The remap buttons section of the Vorpx in-game menu doesn’t seem to have a field to remap the the grip buttons.

    I know that the edgepeek button can be mapped in the section ‘In-Game Key Bindings’ of VorpX, but that would then change the edgepeek for all profiles, not just one.


    It seems that even after changing the edgepeek key in ‘In-Game Key Bindings’ the right grip will still activate edgepeek. Is this a bug?


    The hotkey settings in the config app are for your keyboard/mouse, not the motion controllers.

    The two grip buttons are currently hardcoded by design to ensure everything works right when profiles are exchanged between users/setups with different motion controller types. Considering that everything is gravitating towards the Oculus/Meta layout these days, that *may* change in the future, but right now it’s too early for that. Cross device profile compatibility is still too important.

    You can freely remap all other buttons except these two on the motion controller page of the vorpx menu.

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