Disable headtracker access?

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    I am currently trying to use VorpX primarily for display purposes but want to use FaceTrackNoIR to emulate a TrackIR and FreeTrack to the games. The thing is, even when I disable the “Enable head tracking” and “enable head tracking roll” setting, VorpX still complains about a conflict with the headtracker when starting a game.

    Do these checkboxes actually do anything or are they just implemented in the GUI with the functionality following later? How would VorpX know that there is a conflict with tracker access if it doesn’t try in the first place?


    Yes they do, but the headtracker is still always initialized, regardless whether its data is used for head tracking or not.

    I might add an advanced option for rare use cases like yours: “Do not initalize Tracker” or simlilar, but no promises.


    Thanks for the info, Ralf!

    And yes, having the option of letting VorpX ignore the tracker completely would be nice, because there are a lot of headtracking features in games already so VorpX just needs these tools to work.

    This would be a very nice feature for every game out there with TrackIR support, because FaceTrackNoIR can read the Rift tracker data and feed it to the game without much setup hassle and VorpX delivers the visuals. Perfect combination.

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