Hello Ralf and Nightmare. I take the opportunity of this post, to share my problems and tips on Dishonored as well!
– I also have a game crash after 2 or 3 VorpX Scans each time.
– Sometimes after a scan the camera seems to be reversed, you just have to point the right stick up to put it back.
– During the dialog with merchant NPCs I also have a crash, the cause of this problem comes from the change of the FOV by the memory, switching it to a change of FOV by modifying the ini file solved this problem.
– The thumbnail effect that appears (when you are crouched) has not been completely removed, it sometimes disappears on some maps and reappears on others.
I use this trick to improve the sprint in the game, it became much easier to escape from an enemy:
I volunteer to do further testing on this game with VorpX if needed ;)
(The game is running in windowed mode with the same resolution as my screen, I have a RTX 2060 on Windows 10, I don’t have Antivirus, only Defender and no software running in the background. Excuse my bad english)