Dishonored 2 geometry mode not available

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    I was just wondering if Dishonored 2 has geometry mode. I’m not able to select it, it doesn’t appear as an option for me. I purchaced the game through steam, and have done some trouble shouting myself, but I cannot seam to fix the issue. Is it supported for this game, or z-adaptive only?


    Dishonored 2 is Z3D only at this point. Technically Geometry 3D is not out of the question in this case, but would require additional programming just for this one game, which is always a bit hard to justify unless a game is really popular.

    If you want to try games that show vorpX’s full potential, I can recommend the Good FullVR games for Beginners list as a perfect start point.


    Pretty sure D2 is Z3D only at this point, with no word on whether that will change (sorry steph). They moved to a new id based engine in 2 that vorpX doesn’t yet fully support.

    Have you tried the first one though? I recall that being pretty good G3D.

    Edit: beat me to it :)


    This sucks, was gonna start playing this now. Just tried it no G3D, with out G3D the best way to play is uninstall and play something else. :(


    The game does something unusual in regard to how projection parameters for some moving object are submitted to shaders. Handling that would require a game specific extension to vorpX’s Geometry 3D code, just having static geometry in stereo, but all doors etc. being 2D doesn’t really look too great. ;)

    No rocket science and I have that on the ever growing should-be-done-sometime list for ages, but when it will happen I just can’t tell. Changes that only benefit one, not even overly popular, game are typically fairly low priority.

    Z3D works fairly well though, so the game is definitely worth to be played regardless of G3D or not. Dishonored like gameplay after all lends itself pretty well to vorpX.


    Sorry for digging out the old post but after finishing Dishonored with Vorpx I think it is one of the best VR experiences you can have so I’m devastated to find there’s no G3D for the second game. Maybe now it’ll be easier to make it work?


    I’m looking forward to the G3D in Dishonored 2 (and DOTO) too! Dishonored 1 is my favorite game, I bought VorpX for it and I really don’t regret it ;) It’s amazing in VR!

    Luke Ross (the creator of REAL VR) has planned to port D1, D2 and DOTO in VR, but it will probably be with his AER system (Alternate Eye Rendering) which is not really good, I’m both happy and sad because VorpX would have done better I think.


    I’m looking forward to the G3D in Dishonored 2 (and DOTO) too! Dishonored 1 is my favorite game, I bought VorpX for it and I really don’t regret it ;) It’s amazing in VR!

    Luke Ross (the creator of REAL VR) has planned to port D1, D2 and DOTO in VR, but it will probably be with his AER system (Alternate Eye Rendering) which is not really good, I’m both happy and sad because VorpX would have done better I think.

    Yeah I also don’t like AER but I’d play it still if there’s no Vorpx support. Better AER than Z3D or flat.


    As others said, the first Dihosnored might be the best showcase for vorpX, it’s sad to see the second one can’t be played in G3D. I just tried it in Z3D and the result is quite underwhelming compared to the first one that runs in G3D.
    Ralf a few years back you said you might do something, can we expect to be able to play able Dishonored 2 in G3D one day ?

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