Dishonored dialogue scenes?

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    Hi there, I’m new to vorpx and starting with Dishonored. It looks great and after a full scan everything seems totally dialed in.

    That is, until I get to a character dialogue, where you need to select what to say. In vorpx, the dialog choices just don’t appear, and there’s no way to select them.

    Disabling vorpx and reloading the save outside of the headset works, but this of course won’t be sustainable for a playthrough.

    Anyone know of a way to fix this?


    Such menus and dialogs often appear when you click the EDGEPEEK key.
    It’s the way Vorpx gets around them sometimes.
    I’ve forgotten what that key is at the moment but once found I think it can be remapped to something convenient.


    Thanks, yeah I’ve tried that and it’s not displayed. It’s like the text doesn’t render at all, and can’t be selected, which means the game is a dead-end without existing VR entirely and restarting it back up.


    I found the answer in this video

    Turns out all you need to do is temporarily disable DirectVR, and then re-enable it. I just played for a few hours and once I did this once it seemed to remember and be OK, at least until I reached the next main level.

    5 hours in so far, Dishonored works great in vorpx.


    solorush thank you very much for the solution. Greetings mate!

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