Display output controls (brightness/saturation etc)

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    Since direct mode does not register the headset as a display anymore you can’t adjust any video settings such as gamma/contrast/saturation/refresh rate in the video card control panels.

    I think it would be awesome if VorpX had some of this functionality because I’m finding that im not too satisfied with how alot of the games are coming through and would like to tweak this stuff to my own personal preferences.

    Is this something that would be possible?


    This is on the radar, but with low priority. There actually already was a post fx base framework in place for exactly this purpose before it had to be thrown away when switching to direct mode rendering. Will be re-implemeted for the new rendering pipeline if/when there is enough time.


    The new update is awesome too BTW. All the controller emulation bugs seem to be ironed out and gta v and Skyrim have never run better!


    This is on the radar, but with low priority. There actually already was a post fx base framework in place for exactly this purpose before it had to be thrown away when switching to direct mode rendering. Will be re-implemeted for the new rendering pipeline if/when there is enough time.

    Just wanted to chime in this is really important to me. Every game I play I adjust the contrast etc. Great job on everything else, well worth the money spent. I hope we get more functionality with more titles!


    Hey, just wanted to say that this would really help me as well, since I’m playing a lot of horror games using vorpX and sometimes the saturation & gamma just doesn’t look good at all in darker rooms. It would be great if you could atleast add an option for gamma, that would help alot! :)


    I truly hope this will be put back on the radar with higher priority. Almost everything currently in vorpX is washed out with the default settings. Being able to adjust color settings (brightness, contrast, saturation etc) in my opinion is extremely important.


    Bump !


    Already implemented for the next vorpX version. Gamma/saturation will be adjustable per game.


    Can’t wait :)

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