Pillars of Eternity isn’t fully 3D IIRC, I’m pretty sure it uses 2D backgrounds.
Never tried the first Original Sins, so I can’t really say anything useful here.
Seems like a good opportunity to mention though that you can try to make custom profiles. No guarantee that this wil work out, bit it’s always worth a shot. You can find a basic introduction on the matter in the vorpX help under ‘User Profiles’.
Yep, Pillars is pretty much 2D. Tried the first one with Gone Home profile, it hooked up allright but no 3D effect.
First divinity works, I had to disable one shadow setting because the shadows under the characters where a little wonky. Maybe this could be fixed but not a big deal. Otherwise it was full geometry 3D.
Yep, Pillars is pretty much 2D. Tried the first one with Gone Home profile, it hooked up allright but no 3D effect.
First divinity works, I had to disable one shadow setting because the shadows under the characters where a little wonky. Maybe this could be fixed but not a big deal. Otherwise it was full geometry 3D.