hi i am oculus dk 1 owner i dont hove money to pay for the new oculus …. i have alredy many games from the vorpx list i pay alot money because 3 month before i find this program and this program keep my dk1 live so why now stop support …..!!!!i am very disapointed (sory for my bad english i try my best ) i hope you can understant … i hope you keep dk1 support i thing i am not the 1 human on this erth with dk1 is many!!! like me plz help if is here any solution !!! thanks you
all stop support dk1 …. but all forgot is now big companies becase dk1 buyers support with first money this progect for first step on the rift and now all this stop support forgot us with dk1 …very sad this
Did you send a support request? Nothing in the inbox here. Anyway, I sent you an e-mail to the mail address that you used to register here on the forum.
i instal the older version now thanks the only problem is i sent email for register and my key never come :) i alredy sent 2 times my request code and my name to register |at| vorpx com.
Still no mail from you, sorry. Since neither your original support request nor the key request was received, there probably is an issue with receiving mails from you.
Please use the contact form in the “Support” menu above to send your request code.