DK1 – Vorpx – Skyrim [solved]

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    Just bought Vorpx and about to give up. Could really use some help.

    The game lanches and i hear the skyrim logo music and menu music, but everything is black. Moving the rift does nto change what i see, i.e i am looking at a static black screen with no head tracking. Both the rift and main display is black. I can navigate the menu and exit the game fine (without seeing it ofc, meaning the game is running fine, but displays are not)

    This is my setup :

    1) Clean install of Skyrim
    2) AMD 7970 GPU, and i set the rift to duplicate in the catalyst control sentre. Main benq display is set to preffered/primary.
    3) I have gone true the DK1 setup guide, DK1 is choosen, i dont use a oculus profile, and display/monitors is set to “use system settings”.

    Please help


    When you have “Use system settings” selected in vorpX, you either have to set the Rift as PRIMARY monitor or set Windows to clone the dsplays (this only works with the DK1). Cloning displays generally is the best option for the DK1.

    In case of the DK1 please also set the game resolution to 1280×800.

    If you still can’t get it working after doing this, please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com to receive a downgrade for the DK1 that does not rely on the Oculus runtime.


    Hi Ralf.

    I have tried running it in all combinations.

    if the ingame resultion through the launcher is not set at 1280*800 it will usually crash on start and revert back to windows. When resolution is set to 1280*800 the game starts and i can hear the music as mentioned above but screen is completly black. I have tried all options as show on rift, show on both etc, with cloning displays, extended displays etc, but the result it always the same as in black screen with sound but no vision.


    Just in case someone with a DK1 experiences the same:

    In the end this was solved by rolling back to a pre DK2-version of vorpX that does not rely on the Oculus runtime. If someone has the same issue, please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com to receive a downgrade option.

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