DK2 SDK 0.4.4

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    I just received my new DK2 today and I’m running the 0.4.4 runtime. Is the current version of VorpX working with this configuration including the list of supported games?


    The latest version of vorpX (0.7.5), which was released two days ago, was compiled using the 0.4.4 SDK. So the 0.4.4 runtime is the best match.


    Ralf, that sounds great. Thanks for the quick reply. How is the compatibility with World of Warcraft so far?


    Like all 3rd person games WoW is a matter of taste in VR, which is best suited for first person perspective. In regard to vorpX it’s noteworthy that WoW is currently Z-Buffer 3D only, which means it runs very fast (almost no perfermance impact), but the 3D-effect isn’t fully natural. You also has to press the right mouse button for head tracking.


    Ok that makes sense. I’ve played a few games in 3rd person with the rift and its actually not so bad. Rift (the mmo) for example recently added experimental oculus support and, while the interface is terrible, its actually quite good.

    Does VorpX work with games that were purchased through Steam?

    Have you tested it with systems that have two video cards (e.g. my Razer Blade gaming laptop has an integrated card and a high performance gpu for games)?


    I’ve had no issues with Steam games and Vorpx, nor have I had an issue with an integrated card (Intel HD 4600) and a dedicated (780ti).


    I was mostly interested in buying VorpX for world of warcraft (portal 2 assassins creed 2 also) but I don’t quite understand what it means that its “Z-Buffer 3D” only and not “natural”.


    Geometry 3D -> Everything is rendered twice for the most natural 3D effect, but the framerate is cut in half.

    Z-Buffer 3D -> 3D-effect is applied in post with negligible performance impact for maximum framerate, but there is ‘less Stereo 3D’ for nearby objects.

    Hope that answers your questions.



    Thank you for the explanation. It would be great if, in the list of compatible games, you could specify which games were Geometry and which were Z-Buffer.


    Please see the document that is linked from the supported games page. It’s a bit outdated, some games are missing and there are more G3D games in the meantime, also the list is growing constantly, but it gives you a good overview.

    BTW: VR is not only (not even primarily) about Stereo 3D. The great thing about VR is being literally inside the game. That works even completely without Stereo 3D.

    Hope that answers your questions.


    BTW: VR is not only (not even primarily) about Stereo 3D.

    I believe that is a matter of opinion and most would disagree. I know I do. Haven’t played a none stereo game for years and I just can’t any more. playing 2d on the rift would be a quite bad experience.


    I don’t want to persuade you :), as you are completely right. This is a matter of opionion to a large degree.

    The link below may still interest you. Stereoscopy is just one of many depth cues your brain uses to create a sense a depth. It’s not completely unimportant, and to some it may be more important than to others, but VR is so powerful in itself that it can even work without S3D. Just like you are still fully immersed in the real world when you close one eye. Even monoscopic VR headsets exist, multiple times as expensive as the Rift.

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