Great 3D in DMC, long dreamed of ..
That’s just the shadows there can not be turned off separately.
You have to set the settings to “low”, then the shadows are turned off.
Otherwise, everything is fine, but I would like to somehow turn off the shadows separately, without reducing the overall quality of the game.
I dont remember the way shadows were treated in this game. I usually assign them to the S3D setting. Turn this OFF to remove shadows completely. If i missed a shadow somewhere you can enable expert settings and either turn oFF (dont render) that specific shadow on the shader page or assign it to S3D as well (shadow).
I activated the expert menu in Vorpx.
But in the “image settings” section there was no option for “G3D Shadow Treatment”.
Then I opened it with the help of Ctrl + End “G3D Special Shaders”.
In it in “Edit shaders” I flipped through the “Known Shader Index” to the number “7”, then in the line “Modifier” I switched to “Shadow”, after that the shadow of the character disappeared.
And interestingly, the option “G3D Shadow Treatment” appeared in the general settings of VorpX, where I can already turn on / off the character’s shadow.
I hope I didn’t spoil anything :)
If the shadows werent assigned to the S3D switch, there was probably a reason for it. Sometimes i rather disable them instead of using the S3D switch for example when other parts of the game get messed up.
If you magaged to turn off the shadows without breaking something else, then just fine !
Yes, everything seems to be in order.
(although I did not fully understand what I did :))
But I will definitely read all your entries on the settings. Everything is very conveniently written.
I just recently started using VorpX.
I really like this program, a unique thing with great potential.