Does Vorpx have positional tracking?

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    Surprisingly hard to find a definitive answer via google.

    Does Vorpx support the DK2’s positional tracking?

    So far have tried Portal, Portal 2, Stanley Parable… and I have no positional tracking.

    Rotational tracking works fine (turning my head) but positional is not working (leaning to sides, forward etc).

    Is it even a feature of Vorpx? Vireio has it, but vireio also has a distorted image so I would rather use Vorpx.


    vorpX has positional tracking for all Geometry 3D games. The three games you mention are Geometry 3D games and have positional tracking.

    If pos tracking is unlocked per default, a message is displayed on game start. In other cases you can unlock it yourself on the head tracking page of the vorpX ingame menu.


    No… they don’t.

    Getting no message about positional tracking at the start of the game. No option for positional tracking in the in-game menu.


    So the question is now – why am I not seeing a message about positional tracking and why is it missing from my vorpx in game menu?


    Ok, after a reboot I now have the option to tun on in the in game menu… but it does nothing. the whole world still moves with me, no positional tracking.


    Also, is there a guide somewhere for portal for setting up the in game options? Not sure what I should have turned on/off in the portal mouse/keyboard settings…. right now my head turns waaaaaaaaay too fast.


    You have to check the “Enable expert settings” checkbox in the vorpX config app for the above mentioned unlock option to become available in the ingame menu. Forgot to mention that, sorry. Don’t forget to press [ALT][SPACE] to center/activate the pos tracking like mentioned in the message below the unlock option.

    Regarding head tracking sensitivity please check the Essential Game Hints in the vorpX help. You have to adjust it once per game.


    expert settings is checked. I now have the option in the menu.

    It does nothing when “on”

    Still no positional tracking with any game using vorpx. Tracking is working fine in native oculus games.

    Also, not asking about mouse adjustment, I’m asking which of the settings to have on or off in portal, they seem to have different effects on vorpx. – no helpful info in “essential game hints” as this is specific to Portal 2


    Don’t forget to press [ALT][SPACE] to center/activate the pos tracking like mentioned in the message below the unlock option.

    Head tracking sensitivity can be adjusted (and has to be once per game) in the vorpX ingame menu like mentioned above and in the Essential Game Hints.


    Ahh, ok. Now when I start the game (since manually turning on tracking) I have the message at the start about Alt Space!

    So I hit Alt Space…

    … and the screen goes black, with just the mouse pointer. I have to Ctrl, Alt delete out :(


    No idea what might cause this for you, but you can try to rebind the according shortcut in the vorpX config app, maybe that helps.

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