Does VorpX support Half-Width SBS?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Does VorpX support Half-Width SBS?

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    I just got glasses free tablet Lume Pad 2 and one of its upcoming features will be possibility to stream PC 3d content on the tablet.

    I know VorpX now supports non-VR 3d content, but I wonder if it renders to the PC’s primary display as Half-Width SBS as this will be needed to work on Lume Pad 2.


    Yes, that’s the SBS mode vorpX handles.

    The way vorpX does it is actually even a bit better than half width SBS normally would be since images are always rendered at full width first and then scaled down to half width when drawing the SBS image, resulting in a 2×1 supersampled image with more preserved detail compared to directly rendering at half width.


    This sounds wonderful. Thank you.

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