Doom Eternal

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  • #205664

    I know well that I will be the thousandth person who asks for it. but why doesn’t Doom Eternal work? why doesn’t ralf work on this game profile? it would be fine for me to play it in zadaptive without g3d !!!!


    You could see if HelixVision supports Doom Eternal, it works with some games that VorpX can’t run (for example SOMA).

    Personally, after indepth research, i think that Doom Eternal is worse than Doom 2016, and not worth it. But YMMV, as always. []-)


    but look at me doom 2016 liked it so much with vorpx, it would have been a bit tweak the fov, but without g3d it works fine. I was hoping it would do the same with eternal, but it just doesn’t stick!


    Personally, after indepth research, i think that Doom Eternal is worse than Doom 2016, and not worth it. But YMMV, as always. []-)

    WTF?! You rate a game based on an indepth research? Seriously?

    I miss the good ole times where users actually rated things based on their own friggin expieriences with it.


    Both Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 work in full Alternate Frame Geometry 3D with the free Vk3DVision app (can work nicely along side VorpX or it can send it directly)


    Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 also work well with Reshade Depht3D with very good 3D depth in Side by Side with Virtual Desktop … !!

    It’s a shame that VorpX doesn’t work …

    I don’t know the program Vk3DVision app, yet … if the real G3D can do it then I have to test it today … !!
    Thanks for the tip !!


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