Doom – no profile possible?

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    As there is a steam sale on, I thought I’d look into this. I notice there is no official profile, but some un-official ones. SO before paying $40 and downloading 60Gigs…
    Anyone have a recent answer on if the un-official ones are any good 3D wise? Do they support changing the FOV?


    DOOM is 2D only. It uses the OpenGL graphics API and (with a few exceptions) vorpX only can do 3D for fairly old OpenGL games. Roughly up to Quake 3 era games.

    3D support for shader based OpenGL versions *may* be looked into further down the road, but that’s a lot of work and considering how few of these games exist may just as well never happen.


    No worries. I saw someone “claimed” getting it to work with another profile (so they say). So I was curious.


    You probably will virtually shoot me for even suggesting that, but it’s well worth to be played despite not having stereo 3D. FOV can be set high enough, input latency is practcally unnoticable, it runs blazingly fast considering how great it looks and most importantly the old school shooter gameplay is perfect for VR (if you can stomach it).


    Oh Ralf, you know so well the little 3D snob monsters that you’ve created.
    Thanks to VorpX, I’ll likely never play another “flat” game again. Its like a drug that you can’t kick.

    Whats really tearing at me however, is gnawing hope that you can create a profile for MassEffect:Andromeda. Are you done that yet by the way?? (Just kidding!)
    Its the one game I’ve been dying for for so long, and the possibility of only being able to play in 2D would make me stab my eyes out and move to a mountain top. No pressure.

    Anyway, I’ll be a patient little addict, and hope for the best.
    Thanks for the suggestion tho on Doom. ;)


    Doom works with Reshades SuperDepth3D shader if that’s of any use to you..


    Thanks, I’ll check it out.


    Reshade + Vorpx Desktop viewer or Virtual Desktop on Steam is the combination i use


    Cant find anything on reshade. Link?

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