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  • #84026

    I’m sorry but I’ve purchased this software quite a while ago, i used it a couple of times to no avail. Gave up. Tries to start it this morning and it says files missing. Turns out WIndows defender deleted your files and now I can’t even redownload it because you guys can’t post a regular download link/Download REQUEST link ANYWHERE. How am i supposed to download my purchased software now? The previous link expired. No customer support phone number, No live chat. Just shitty email support which takes 2-3 weeks to get a reply. Is this company being run by an 18 year old that just learned how to code? Get more customer service reps so you can reply to emails faster than 2-3 weeks. And if there are any moderators going through these forums at least once a month COuld you please send me a new download link because this is starting to fucking piss me off.


    A lot of people must of got the dk2 for their kids after they watched a few youtubers videos and broke down and got one for them. With how crappy most of you act it makes me think a lot of little kids and or dumb people jumped in and purchased development gear as a final product. It is a bit of a pain but its development gear and beta software what in the hell do you expect? Go home little brony, go home….


    Sorry to read your post Karlor.
    Perhaps you may go back to school and study a course about how to be polite with a person with problems. Empathy? Compassion?

    I am totally in line with guy´s post.
    Anybody is loosing his equity. You can say that this is a beta software bla, bla, bla.
    I think this are excuses.
    This product is priced as a commercial one and would be consider like that.
    When an early development product is sold anything more must be put to user disposal in my honest opinion.
    I can´t find the support of this product adecuate. You can read other products or games forum when they are in development and devs are with the user hand to hand.
    I think that this product always will be an alpha version, this is a personal project without any warranty, really do you think that this site is a support site or only is a tears bucket about the product?


    @ gustavor38 : Maybe you shouldn’t take everything for granted that someone writes, especially not the original post above. Noone waits weeks for a download link. Also the main dev (me) is on the forum almost every day. I’d say you have a hard time finding product forums with more active devs. Besides that I really don’t know what to say to your post. For your own sake I assume you are trying to be funny.

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