Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

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    Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (G3D)

    I am very proud about this G3D profile because its been a pleasure playing the game with 3D Vision already. Now in VR a totally new experience with the cartoon like characters in a full 3D environment.

    Get the Profile from the Cloud.
    -Excellent 3D view in Full VR with Geoemtry mode. Edgepeek is set to mono for better text readabilty. Install latest official patch to get rid of the Starforce Protection, otherwise you wont be able to play the game on win7 (8?/10?). Game does not require much resources, so you can use relatively high resolutions. Known Bug: Game may crash on shutdown,close dreamfall.exe with taskmanager if so.


    Dreamfall:The Longest Journey VR


    I tried the profile and it does not look very good now. Any chance of taking a look?


    Hello there, i couldnt find anything wrong with this profile exept its relatively old.I found only the candles in the start scene to be not transformed properly. Please note, Edgepeek mode is mono for this game and if you are using Antialiasing the game will be 2D also. So please turn OFF AA. – This game was hard to fix because of some technical reasons, so a very few objects may be still not properly in place.

    Nevertheless i have created an alternate profile, optimized for cinema modes that looks a bit better then the old one. HUD is 3D now and gamplay turns out to be easier. – Full VR Mode is still avialable though. Edgepeek has some Depth now.

    Note: The forum does not send notifications at the moment, so its a good idea to report to my website below until this is solved.

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