Dying light 2021

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  • #201499

    Here we go!

    I’ve done a bunch of research and tinkering the last couple weeks but still don’t have it perfect. My goal seems simple but may be impossible. I want to have the immersion of the native VR function and the tools in Vorpx for head tracking and the ability to pull the screen from my face during cut scenes to reduce the nausea. I have combed through every forum on Vorpx about Dying light and here is what I have found/used:

    My first VR was an oculus rift S and this is where I learned about the native function “OculusEnabled()” and was blown away. Now, I have an HP Reverb G2. I downloaded revive and the oculus app and used the “inject” option but I can’t get it to work. So far, I have not been able to play the native option in my reverb.

    Next I downloaded and tested every cloud profile and found that the best one was made by CFodder. However, when using full VR mode, the imaged is zoomed in, which muddies the graphics (every profile is this way). To fix this I reduced the zoom level in the Vorpx settings and was only successful when the screen was far enough from my face that I could see the borders which defeats the purpose.

    Unfortunately, still no g3d.

    Then, I found a forum that suggested to download DXHRDC from GitHub and drop the FLengine.Dll file into the game folder. This almost did it!! Basically only my weapon (about 30% of the right side of the screen) appeared g3D.

    After all this, Its still not as good looking as the native VR function I remember.


    I forgot to mention, when I try the native function through revive inject, I get this error message: “Application load error V:0000065432”



    I imported the Vorpx profile Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut. This gave my the geometry settings in the ‘in game’ Vorpx settings window. However, it doesn’t appear to be changing anything yet. Also, this profile looks even better than the one stated above if all the graphics are turned low.

    I saw that someone suggested to change the game.exe file to DXHRDC.exe. Unfortunately, this just gave me an error message stating something like the action could not be executed.


    I wish i could help, but i don’t have any programming knowledge unfortunately. Still, i’ll be watching your thread because Dying Light is one of my favorite games, and i want to re-play it in VR some day.


    @jjensson, I appreciate the support! One day I’ll get it right.


    I messed around with the shaders last night and managed to get some good results you can try. Check the cloud for Dying Light (G3D) [dellrifter22]

    First you’ll need to set additional FOV:
    With Notepad, open video.scr found in C:\Users\*name*\Documents\DyingLight\out\settings
    Remove any reference to OculusEnabled, and edit/add the line:


    Recommended Settings:
    -use a 4:3 resolution (1600×1200,1920×1440) in Fullscreen mode
    -set Textures High, Ambient Occlusion is optional
    -set Anti Aliasing OFF to avoid texture blur
    -set all other graphical options to OFF or their Lowest

    *scalable HUD, use EdgePeek for cutscenes
    *vorpX G3D Shadow Treatment set to OFF will disable global illumination for a simpler/cleaner look if desired
    *tested on HP G1 with mouse and keyboard. DLC not tested

    A few particle effects and fire were disabled for bad 3D translation, and some blood effects and shadows may not appear exact. The tiny toddler Player arms while climbing is funny, but could not be fixed without breaking other animations.

    G3D in this game is quite performance heavy, so expect to use a modest resolution (I use 1600×1200 with 2080ti). After 10 minutes your immersion forgets about jaggies :) Enjoy.


    But shadows in general are working in G3D?


    @dllrifter22 bless you! I will try this sometime this week!


    @dllrifter22 IT WORKED!!!!!

    Everyone do what he said above!!!!



    I found that I cannot play G3D when outside parkour-ing due to bad performance. I switch to Z-Adaptive and it works and looks great. Tbh, I can’t tell the difference between Z-adaptive and G3D… does anyone have a different opinion?


    G3D is very impressive on Dellrifter profile, but the image on left eye move a little, so it’s not perfectly confortable. And it seems you need a really good graphic card…
    Z3D doesn’t do much on this profile (but you can resize HUD) but it runs perfectly (so it may be a better choice).
    It worth it, but it would be perfect with a better G3D.

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