Dying Light has no sound with Vorpx

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  • #192015

    first off i wanna say thank you for creating this app it this has been a real
    game changer and at this point i only use vorpX when i game :)
    My recent issue is with Dying light…
    is there a recommended version for Dying Light on the cloud?
    there is one with the latest version but the persons settings disabled
    the use of my mouse ( assuming this person is using a controller) and also disabled my sound on my oculus now when i play dying light it only come through my monitor and i can’t even change my settings.. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks :)



    Dying light already has VR support (without the need for VorpX) – but you need to enable it. It was never finished properly by the developers but it’s very playable still.

    Go to “C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DyingLight\out\settings\”

    6. Open up the file video.scr with any text editor, Notepad for example.

    7. At the bottom, add this line to the video.scr:

    8. Save and close the video.scr file.


    Dying light already has VR support (without the need for VorpX) – but you need to enable it. It was never finished properly by the developers but it’s very playable still.

    Go to “C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DyingLight\out\settings\”

    6. Open up the file video.scr with any text editor, Notepad for example.

    7. At the bottom, add this line to the video.scr:

    8. Save and close the video.scr file.

    I would add to this that this mod would not work for me with WMR (Reverb).

    What did make it work was to do the above then launch the Dying Light .exe through the ReviveOverlay(Dashboard) icon tray ‘Inject’ feature.

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