E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (Rating: Excellent)

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (Rating: Excellent)

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    Summary: E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy works really great out the box if you run on HL2 profile as it’s a source engine game. Being a quiky euro-Deus Ex like game, it very atmospheric with large gothic architecture and entrancing visual design.

    Direct VR works for rotation but not FOV and Positional (fails on those two).

    I felt camera height needed adjustment up slightly and FOV, of course must be manually adjusted. I my testing so far, very little in effect glitches.

    I meant to just test it but ended playing for two hours and I haven’t even finished optimizing it. Once I’m done, I’ll upload the profile for easy of use.

    PROVISIONAL Rating: Excellent (Highest being PERFECT) – Martin


    Well…a little more testing and I’ll have to put my “Excellent” on pause. When I reloaded the game it gave me different results. Plus there are some shader errors with the flashlights, light sources and skybox. Turning off shadows was necessary too. HUD elements (crosshair, inworld markers have “depth” but turning was doing wonky stuff to them.

    However, I tried Dear Esther and all 3 Direct VR functions work but the Positional one causes weapon flickering (so I turned it off). The hud is screen depth which makes aiming and the in enviroment markers more of an eyesore.

    So for now RATING: “GOOD” with much more testing to do….next time I’ll wait till I’m sure – Martin

    P.S. The game is still fun in VR but so close to being perfect

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