Edge Peek tilting

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    I have been using VorpX for a long time now and it has really come a long way, and the progress and new features have been outstanding.

    As an idea for another improvement, I was wondering if it was possible to tilt the image up and down when edge peeking?

    I find that it’s great to be able to play games while reclining, but when I have to edge peek, it resets the view to a fixed point that I have no control over other than the Alt + Space realignment. Ideally, the Alt+Space would realign the horizontal, but we could set a custom tilt value to offset the internal gyroscope.

    But, is this even possible with the Occulus Rift driver?

    I know there are some VR Media Players that can control the pan/tilt of the image, so I’m hoping that it is possible.

    Thanks for any consideration.


    Technically applying an offset to the tilt angle would be no problem, but I’m not sure whether there may be ill side effects regarding the seamless switching between normal mode and the 3D EdgePeek. I’ll check that, but no promises.

    For playing games while reclining you can switch to the ‘old’ 2D EdgePeek on the display page of the vorpX ingame menu (requires expert options checked in the config app). The 2D EdgePeek does not use absolute angles and should work fine even if you want to play while lying in bed, looking straight up. ;)


    Thanks for the feedback and for taking a look. I will try enabling the advanced features and give that a go.


    Just checked it, seems to work. If nothing unexpected shows up, this will inplemented as an expert option.


    Excellent, thanks for implementing this so quickly.


    It’s not 100% decided yet, but quite likely. It’s always possible that issues show up while testing later though.

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