Good evening! I have been using VorpX for some time (recently completed a full playthrough of FO3) and have been starting FO:NV. I played last night without any issues, as usual. This evening I started VorpX and it updated to 21.1.0. Seemed fine, but now in either game Edge Peek is no longer working (Rift S) when I push the right grip. The controller overlay still shows it mapped, but it does nothing. If I hold the left grip and then the right to enter the VorpX menu, nothing happens there either. I know it is registering the input as if I hold the left grip and then the right, then release the left it still shows VorpX on the overlay map for the right grip until released. It then returns to Edge Peek. If I enter the VorpX menu via the keyboard (Del) I can navigate with the sticks, but the right trigger will not select anything and I must exit also via the keyboard shortcut. Triggers both work fine in game for firing and zooming. I can technically still play using keyboard shortcuts for the VorpX menu (Del), initiate scanning (Alt+L) and Edge Peek (Mouse Middle), but this is very difficult wearing the headset and makes the FO games unplayable without quick access to Edge Peek for the Pip Boy. I did confirm in the Oculus Home and Oculus native apps that the controller input is fine, so something must have changed with the update. Any ideas?? Your help is appreciated!