Elder Scrolls Online, Geometry Broken?

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    With today’s update of the Elder Scrolls Online the geometry mode doesn’t seem to work. It worked yesterday. The in game vorpx menu doesn’t show it, just the two Z modes. They work but look about the same as having 3D disabled. Any fix or work around? Thanks.


    Could you please check whether the game is still set to DX9 after the update? If you can’t select geometry mode, the renderer might have been set to DX11 by the update.

    Also please check whether the main execuatable is still names eso.exe, which is important for vorpX to recognize the game. Unlikely that a patch changes that, but just in case.


    Well, I was just looking at the patch notes:

    We have upgraded the ESO graphics engine to be DirectX 11 specific.
    You will no longer be able to launch or run the DirectX 9 version of the game.
    We will no longer support graphics cards and operating systems that are not compatible with DirectX 11.
    This will allow us to implement new graphics features only possible with the removal of DirectX 9, as well as improve the overall performance of the engine.


    Does that mean then that ESO, geometry mode, won’t run with vorpx now that you can’t run directX 9 with the game? Or is there a way to make it work with directX 11? Thanks.


    Currently Geometry 3D is DX9 only in ESO. We’ll look into DX11, but I can’t promise anything.


    I would love to experience Geometry 3D in ESO.I just bought it. Please Make it happen Ralf. Thank you for the good work on this software so far. Please keep it up.


    Is there any News on this? I don’t want to buy the software if it doesn’t work properly with ESO.

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