Empyrion Galactic Survival, Unity 2020 game, no 3D

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    Im having a problem with Empyrion Galactic Survival.
    There are some old cloud profiles that aren’t working (all were made before the game was updated to unity 2020). Also tried the base unity 5 profile.

    I tried all 3d modes and options within the Vorpx ingame config menu but there is no 3D effect, except for the mouse pointer, which appears at different depth than the rest of the image.

    Can’t change many game options, it uses direct3d 11 and is set to windowed mode (borderless mode off).

    Im using the oculus quest 2 headset via oculus link, tried both oculus setting and steamvr setting in vorpx configuration.


    Sounds as if Unity 5 profiles just don’t work on the latest 2020 release. I’ll look into that when I come across a game that uses this version, can’t really say much to user profiles though.

    One last thing you could try yourself is checking whether the game maybe has some internal render scaling setting and if so disable that. 3D in Unity 5 games can fail if the render resolution doesn’t match the output resolution, which can happen in fullscreen mode or if the game has some some render scaling option.


    Any help with this, it’s completely random from starting the game to starting the game.

    In one instance it’ll jump in to G3D be completely playable with the perfect boundary needed for the inventory screens.

    Next it’ll do G3D, but the mouse pointer will be bound to a smaller box in the inventory.

    And lastly it’ll hook in, but just showing flat screen.

    The exact same sequence in booting up, start vorpx, boot the G2, open empyrion. The settings all remain the same in game 1920 windowed, but it’s completely random as to what you get.

    Can anyone help, it’s my current addiction and really quite stunning when it’s all working, one of the best fps games i’ve played in Vorpx.


    I’m thinking about getting this game..Does it work with VorpX

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