Emulate Gamepad look Axis to Motion Controller?

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    Hey, Ralf. I was wondering, is it possible to emulate mouse/gamepad look axis to match where you point your VR Controller? I managed to somewhat do this with OpenVR-InputEmulator. This let me point my VR controller in the desired direction and it changed on screen. I combined this with your Vorpx Feature that allows you to look around freely from the static camera and this made Halo feel a lot more like Full VR lol. The issue I run into now is obviously the camera is now mounted to both my controller (OpenVR-IE) and my head (Vorpx).

    This guy made OpenVR-Input Emululator – https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-InputEmulator
    This is what stuck out to me. “The motivation of this driver is that I want to make myself a tracked gun that is guaranteed to work in any SteamVR game regardless of whether the original dev wants to support tracked guns or not. To accomplish this I need some way to add translation and rotation offsets to the poses of the motion controllers so that I can line up my tracked gun and the gun in the game. Additionally I need a way to easily switch between the tracking puck on my gun and my motion controller with the game thinking it’s still the same controller (Throwing grenades with a tracked gun is not fun). But this driver should also support other use cases.”

    I’m assuming this isn’t something Vorpx can just “fix” through some tweaking. I’m assuming I’d have to configure the game manually somehow to accept motion controllers as an alterative control source. Currently I’ve detached the head camera thanks to your Vorpx feature, now just the arms are static, no more static gun/camera movement which is great. Any idea what I could do? Anything at all you could do? After seeing what Nibre did with Halo I know this is possible somehow! :)


    Decoupling walk and look is out of vorpX’s scope usually. That requires more in-depth per game hacking/modding than vorpX normally does as it needs to fundamentally change gameplay mechanics. Even DirectVR memory scanner headtracking can’t do that usually.

    There are a few exceptions from the rule, either when games support decoupled aim themselves like Arma III or when I code game specific mods (GTA V, RDR 2), but for Halo none of these options apply.

    I’d still be interested in checking whether what you did might be a useful addition to vorpX, even without decoupled aim. Would be great if you could send me both your vorpX settings for the game (you can drag them from the local profiles list in the config to the desktop) as well as your OpenVR Input emulator setup (no idea where that is stored though) to support at vorpx com. Didn’t fully get what exactly you did, being able to use your setup myself would help me understand it better.


    This sounds really interesting, Ralf!
    If you don’t mind I’ll use file.io to
    send the files through your Support>Contact Page
    it will be in the form of a link for anonymous download.
    Is that okay?

    This is what I managed to do with it lol.

    Halo VR – Glitchy Motion Controls & DoF Increase with Head Based Position Tracking
    by u/Dyortos in halo


    Hm, I tried to send it through the Contact Page but I’m not getting a successfully sent prompt anywhere? Would you like me to post it on this page?


    Please send an e-mail to support at vorpx com with your vorpX settings as .vps file (drag and drop from the config app) and the Input Emulator settings as their respective settings file so that I can import them directly.


    I used the support email instead of the Contact page sense I couldn’t tell if it successfully sent or not. Hopefully it went through! I couldn’t find the Input Emulator Settings but I made a quick guide on how to do it! Very simple once OpenVR Input Emulator is installed.

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