ENB & Reshade & Vorpx

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    so after FO4, GTA5, Skyrim, TW3 run perfect with voprx i started to implement ENB and Reshade.
    FO4 enb reshade : Enb (wrapper) GUI works fine and looks like enb is running fine effects changing and reshade is compiling effects.Since i have a main monitor and CV1 i can see the effects of reshade changing the scene. But unfortunately the scene in CV1 is not changing…
    GTA5 reshade is compiling and on main monitor all effects available but CV1 no image change…..
    Skyrim enb (injector version) gui available but no enb settings work reshade compiling and effects availabel only on monitor
    as for skyrim i need the enb for the activating enb boost due to 300 mods installed..


    I tested True ENB with Skyrim because somebody complained elsewhere that it doesn’t work and it worked. With the brightness of the game set to the lowest possible value it actually looked quite nice in the HMD. The problem is – 15 fps hit. Outdoors it dropped from about 30 to 15 fps. How do you optimize the ENB preset to not hit the game so hard, especially working with 3D Geometry?


    Hi first i wrote :only enb gui is available effects dont work , if u enable effects G3D switches to z buffer. I have a watercooled system running on a i76900k and 1080ti.Frames never go below 30fps no matter what i do btw i capped framerate to 49 max that seems sufficiant for non shooter games.
    FO4 on the otherhand works with G3d and enb (effects take effect in gameplay) i remember that enb kicked in when ambiant occlusion setting is enabled in enb settings.
    Skyrim seems a hog ..

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