Solution 1:
Get rid of that AV software. Done. Windows Defender is more than good enough since quite a while now and causes way less hassle. Why anyone would torture themselves with all the disadvantages that come with invasive third party AV for maybe a tiny little bit of extra ‘security’ is beyond me, I got to admit. :)
Solution 2:
- Exit vorpX and the config app.
- Browse to C:\ProgramData\Animation Labs\vorpX
- Open vorpControl.ini with a text editor.
- Add a new entry to the exlude list that looks like this: sExcl???=ig-, just adding ‘ig-‘ excludes every process that starts with ‘ig-‘, ??? has to be the next free number.
- Pray that your AV program isn’t responsible for all sorts of other strange things.
I would *highly* suggest to go with solution 1.