Error code 2 after starting vorpControl

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    When starting vorpControl I get the following error:

    Sorry. vorX encountered a critical error and cannot do its magic. :\
    Try restarting the application. If the problem persists, reinstalling vorpX might help.
    Error code: 2

    Then when I do reinstall, vorpControl will be loaden and most? features seems to function. Then when I need to start vorpControl again (after reboot) I get the same error and need to reinstall again.

    Also the games won’t show on the DK2. I have folowed the instructions and tried all variations of setting (direct, extended HMD, primary, secondary display).
    The games I tried are:
    Call of Duty Black Ops II, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim and Legue of Legends

    When the games start I do see the vorpX 7.5 text in the screen at the bottom left. With the del key I can go to the options. I tried lots of settings.

    I have no idea what I can do next.


    Error code 2 means that vorpX can’t find its profile directory.

    Are you maybe using an unusual configuration? Installing vorpX with a user that does not have admin rights may cause this issue. Probably the first run after the installation is done with admin rights in this case, hence it works for the first run.

    If that is the case, please give the user admin rights for installing vorpX in the Windows control panel. You can restrict the users rights again after the installation.

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