Error messages

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  • #17622

    When I start “Start vorpx” I get this error:

    “The configured device was not found, vorpX will exit now.

    Please make sure that you select the correct HMD in the configuration app and that your HMD is connected to your PC.

    Do you want to open the config app to select another device?”

    My OR is connected to my pc. So I figured I need to open the config app.

    But that results in this error:

    “vorpX Config encountered an unspecified error and has to exit.
    Do you want to restart the program?”


    Hello Yarmor,

    Please try (re-)installing the latest Oculus runtime from Normally it should have been installed with vorpX, but maybe that failed for some reason.

    If the above does not help, and you use a DK1, please write an e-mail to support |at| vorpx com to receive a downgrade option to the last vorpX version.

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