Euro / American Truck simulator profile?

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    a vorpx profile for truck simultor (main branch) would be nice.

    those simulators have built in vr support on the beta branch, but the TruckersMp multiplayer mod makers refuse to make two multiplayer versions, one just for vr.
    scs software refuses to put vr in the main version of the game since its not “finished”.
    bottom line, theres no vr in multiplayer.

    built in vr in truck simulator is very basic, just 3d and looking around, not even the menus are visible in vr. but it doesnt matter, it doesnt have to be that integrated, it is still very immersive.

    so my question, can someone make a profile for euro truck simulator and american truck simulator that work on the main game version, so we will be able to play multiplayer in vr?

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