I Have a Problem with ETS2. I got it working perfectly before. Very smooth gameplay and Headtracking. Everything worked perfect. Its one of the best VR games for me but there is no official Vive Support.
I played with HTC Vive for 2 hours without Problems.
But the next Time i want to start it, it doesnt work again. Checked every setting in Steam, Steam VR and VorpX but i have no Idea. One time it started after 10 -15 tries to start. Restarted Steam VR. Restarted PC, Restarted VorpX in every comination but no hooking. Vive shows only the Steam VR.
It seems like it hooks only by random. Today i tried it for 1 hour without success. Creating DesktopIcon and staring as Admin hasnt fixed the Problem. Any Ideas?