Euro Truck Simulator 2

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    I’ve heard from this forum that is possible to run games via vorpx desktop viewer + tridef 3d, but failed to start it. As soon i launch ETS2 (through tridef 3d) vorpx desctop viewer simply closes before the game starts.

    Is there anyone who knows how to run Euro Truck Simulator 2 with the latest release patch? Please share your experience if you know how to get it working.


    You don’t need Vorpx for ETS2 it has native support


    opt into the beta has native support and works fine


    Thank you guys, but i was asking about “latest release” and a software that could handle it, not about beta patches.

    There was a guy somewhere at the forum and he said it’s possible to run many games using tridef and vorpx desktop, but i cant find he anymore and somehow fail to configure it :(

    Furthermore i don’t see any private messages on the forum so i’m forced to ask him or anyone who has a clue here at the public thread.
    So once again, if anyone reading this knows how to run Euro Truck Simulator with VR glasses (latest patches, not beta!!!) – please share your experience and post small guide on how to make it working.


    what is the difference? it has all the latest content in it it’s just a beta branch specifically for VR that is all


    what is the difference? it has all the latest content in it it’s just a beta branch specifically for VR that is all

    The difference is in multiplayer, thousands of players playing ETS2 only in multiplayer which doesn’t support beta patches. I’ve purchased the game only to play multiplayer too and like many others looking for a way to enjoy it in VR for more then a year.
    Tridef actually could do that, but somehow i cant configure it with vorpx.


    The only reason it doesn’t work in MP, is because its still in beta.

    Rejected until SCS adds VR in a main release and mwl4 has a chance to port it.

    Probably is never going to happen, because ETS2 devs are slow as fuck and it doesnt looks like they are working on it (multiplayer is a community mod, so the developer doesnt really cares about it) :'(


    that is a very old thread so not sure if any different now have you tried? I only played single player so haven’t had any issues on that front


    that is a very old thread so not sure if any different now have you tried? I only played single player so haven’t had any issues on that front

    Br0, thats what i’m talking about. For almost a year ETS2 devs are not updating their “beta” patch, so the whole community is waiting for something that is not even going to happen (most likely). So i’ve decided to open a thread so maybe sometimes someone will find some way to play ets2 in multiplayer and will share it with us :)
    p.s. had to add “multiplayer” to the thread name :)

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