everytime i open vorpx virtual screen this happens :(

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  • #196229

    Hi all

    I have an annoying issue that everytime I open a vr supported game(ori and the blind forest for example) or vorpx virtual desktop oculus software also opens

    Is there any way to stop this ?


    If you are using a Rift S or a Quest via Link cable that’s perfectly normal. The Oculus software always opens when you start a program that uses the Oculus runtime. Nothing vorpX can do about that. The best way to deal with that is minimizing it to the taskbar whenever it pops up.


    Another questions

    I was playing Assasin Creed Odyssey in 85 fps and all on max , when i play it in VR with same settings it goes to around 40 fps lol …same for Witcher 3. Is this normal ?
    I have a rtx 2080 and core i9


    Another questions

    I was playing Assasin Creed Odyssey in 85 fps and all on max , when i play it in VR with same settings it goes to around 40 fps lol …same for Witcher 3. Is this normal ?
    I have a rtx 2080 and core i9

    Yes, this is a laymans explanation which anyone can feel free to fix/extrapolate on, but I will try to explain.

    For VR to “WORK” (this goes with Vorpx or actual VR Titles like Saints and Sinners or Half Life Alyx) the game needs to be ‘rendered’ twice (basically your PC needs to run the same game TWICE, once for each eye, to create the 3d VR effect; you have two eyeballs, each one can not detect true depth or 3 dimensions on it’s own, it needs the second eye and together they pair together to create an image with depth)

    So.. Your example of Assassins Creed and Witcher both basically running at 1/2 the speed your PC would run them OUTSIDE of VR lines up EXACTLY with what should be happening IN VR. Your PC is basically running Assassins Creed TWICE.

    You will notice, if youve been in VR for a a little while… most VR games dont tend to be very pretty, they tend to go with pretty simple graphical styles; and the ones that are ‘pretty’, like Half Life Alyx – they dont tend to be very open ended like something like Assassins Creed cause simply – most modern PCs cant handle the strain.

    This is why PSVR (Playstation VR) games are exceptionally poor looking. They are trying to do what we are doing with a grossly underpowered machine. More power to them for trying, but, the graphics and resolution on those games speak volumes about how much raw power is NEEDED for a good VR experience.

    So, for me – I have an RTX 5600XT. I can basically play RDR2 at 1440p with pretty much high/some max settings on my monitor. In Vorpx tho, I need to tone everything down to medium and low. Its just the nature of the beast. This has nothing to do with poor programming on Vorpx’s part or anything of that nature; this is just what VR is. It needs to RENDER the scene TWICE to give you the feeling of depth and thus the whole point of VR.

    We will have graphics cards capable of running incredible full sized worlds like Witcher at that graphical fidelity one day and run smooth – but we arent there yet.

    Thankfully there is Timewarp, which is built into Vorpx – if you can get your game to run at 46 FPS, the game will appear utterly smooth thanks to some magic done by VR devs. So, not all hope is lost, just get that FPS ticker up to 46 FPS; it will show you if youre not reaching it in the corner of your headset while playing in Vorpx… just means you need to lower some details or lower your resolution a little bit.


    Fully appreciate the explanation from @TheBalt, i however question the low efficiency that all vorpx game has to run in less than half of frame rate in VR.

    Nvidia has implemented Single Pass Multi-view for years which enable one render process of both eyes, theoretically drop the load of VR games overhead drastically, then recently they did VRSS that will only render centre image in high res. If vorpx is able to use any of those techniques, it will achive way more than less than half of FPS for games.

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