F.e.a.r fov setting

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings F.e.a.r fov setting

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  • #169734

    I launch f.e.a.r and it looks close. The field of view is off. Directional vr looks nice but I feel like it’s way to close. How do you optimize f.e.a.r I am using the newest Vorpx 17.3.1 Does anyone have a discord channel would be easiest to communicate or a steam id I am blanka4545 on steam thanks.


    Provided vorpX could adjust the settings automatically, the FOV is correct. You can check whether that is the case by navigating to your Fear install folder.

    There should be a file named autoexec.cfg in the install folder and the FEAR/FEARXP sub folders, containing FovY and FovYWidescreen values (both ~96).

    If that is the case, the FOV is correct. If not, please make sure that you have write access to the Fear install folder (that might not be the case if the game is installed in C:\Program Files(x86) for example).

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