F1 2020 HP G2 settings

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    Hello everybody,

    maybe someone knows the problem when I start F1 2020 with the HP G2, an image appears but it is impossible to play. Sometimes only one lens is active on the VR system.
    The textures and all other graphic options are extremely bad and fuzzy.
    the VR system works fine via Steam. The VR is connected to an RTX 3080.
    Have already tried all the settings in Vorpx.
    Many thanks for our help.


    I can only imagine this to be caused by an unusual combination of graphics settings. I played quite a bit of F1 2020 while developing the recently added vorpX TrackIR feature. Provided your CPU is similarly powerful as your GPU you should even be able to play this game with 90fps at low/medium gfx settings in 1440p with G3D.

    Use one of the game’s graphic’s settings presets. If you happen to have switched off DirectVR auto settings in vorpX (which is generally not recommended), also make sure that HDR is disabled.

    The higher gfx presets should also work, but the game is truly awesome at 90fps, so try one of the lower ones too, you might find that more enjoyable than highest gfx settings at a reduced framerate. Personally I found medium settings + texture anisotropy at 16 (for sharper road textures) ideal with a RTX 3080.

    Also make sure to reset the vorpX profile to default in the config app and then follow the instructions in the top/left corner of the game window for FOV and TrackIR head tracking. Works great in FullVR mode since vorpX 21.1.0.


    Hello Ralf,

    thank you for your answer.
    I’ll try it out today and then tell you whether it worked.
    I use Ryzen 7 as the CPU.
    Another question:
    Do I need Opentrack in addition to the Vorpx?


    vorpX handles TrackIR without any further setup now. For F1 2020 that’s enabled per default, you just have to enable it in the game options. In general vorpX can now detect TrackIR support in games and whenever it does, it shows a notification. Makes using TrackIR in games way more comfortable since you don’t really have to do anything manually anymore besides enabling it in the game (if necessary) and vorpX.

    A little caveat: recentering TrackIR from the menu doesn’t work currently, ALT+SPACE however should. That will *hopefully* be fixed in the next vorpX update either later today or tomorrow. I’m working on that right now incidentally.


    Many Thanks
    Have a nice day

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