F1 2021 – Menu navigation works but game crashes when starting a race.

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  • #209003

    I’m trying to play F1 2021 in VR with an oculus quest 2. The game starts and lets me navigate through menus but when I try to start a race it crashes during the splash screen and shows this error.

    “D3D12 steam games do not work currently in oculus mode. For steam games that use D3D12 please change the headset type to SteamVR in the vorpx config app”

    I’ve tried changing the headset type to SteamVR but it won’t load the game.

    I don’t know if this matters but I also can’t turn on the extended view game setting for head tracking.

    Any ideas what I can try to get this working?


    First please try to reset the graphics settings to default in the game options.

    Also try the recently added OpenXR headset type in the config app. Will also work with Oculus headsets after making Oculus your OpenXR runtime in the Oculus PC app (Settings > General > OpenXR-runtime)

    If that does not help, there probably is another program on your PC that also hooking into the game, causing a conflict. E.g. some GPU tool, streaming app, FPS counter, chat app. etc. The best way to trouble shoot that is disabling everything you have running in the backround.

    The trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum has more details on the matter.

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