Fable: Lost Chapters

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  • #216487

    Fable: Lost Chapters (DGVoodoo2 v.2,6 )- G3D

    The only way to get this game working was through the DGVoodoo DX9/DX11 pipeline.
    Thanks to Dege`s DX9 to 11 wrapper ! Very nice S3D in all modes.

    Important setting notes:

    – Required: VorpX Shortcut !
    – Required: DGVoodoo2 v.2,6 with the following settings:
    –Disable Appl controlled fullscreen/windows state
    –Disable disable Alt-Enter toogle screen state
    TIP: Lower game resolution to 1920×1080 and use DGvoodos Force Resolution
    –this creates a larger GUI on high resolutions
    -Full VR available, optimized for cinema modes
    -Profile available at the cloud

    Please consider making a donation to the author


    Hello, thanks for the details.

    I’m a newcomer, could you please explain to me what is a “VorpX Shortcut” and how to make one ?

    I’m trying to make work the game “Canal+ Classic Billar (directx 8) with no success… For the time being.

    Thanks in advance,



    For a shortbut rightclick on the vorpx icon in the taskbar and choose shortcut and point to your games executable. For your specific game i could help you only if i own the game which is unforunately not the case. Though if its a DX8 game, you may tray any profile from the cloud which is marked with “dgvoodoo2” or “d3d8to9”. You can get d3d8to9 here https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/releases and dgvoodoo2 from here https://dege.freeweb.hu

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