Just got the software, v and running on AMD R9 290x. Game setup was non issue, game runs and all, issue is when I interact with the first computer interface, I can select options but I can not select the “POWER” button on the screen to exit it. The cursor and my viewing is locked to just the inner screen of the computer.
There should be a FOV option in the Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini in C:\Users\(yourname)\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 called fRenderedTerminalFOV you can change it to something higher like 0.25 or 0.40. This should give you a higher FOV when using terminals.
Alternatively you can use the middle mouse button to open edge peek, which should also allow you to see the power button.
I sued the middle mouse button, and the cursor is locked to just the inner perimeter of the screen. I can see the power button, but I can’t get the mouse to press it :(
I’ll try the fov in the ini file, will get back to you with results.
This is related to the HUD/menu scaling as the cursor has to be considered to be a part of the HUD by vorpX. You can change the HUD scale on the fly with [ALT][MOUSEWHEEL].
Incidentally the next vorpX update will make this easier as it auto disables HUD/menu scaling in EdgePeek mode. So all you will have to do then is switching to EdgePeek while using terminals. Shouldn’t take long until the next update arrives.
in short, kind of works. will have ot play around with the values, Pitboy is also messed up a bit. Is there any page that has all the ini tweaks that need to be done to play on oculus rift dk2?
– fPipboy1stPersonFOV for the Pipboy
– fDefault1stPersonFOV for your Player
– fDefaultWorldFOV for the Rest
– http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11269/? to remove the weapon zoom