Fallout 3 Controller Bug

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    After switching from Lounge to Full VR mode in Fallout 3 (looks and runs fantastic with FO3 @ 4K, thanks!) I have been plagued with one problem; numerous functions of my XBox controller no longer function after the Direct VR scan. I finally remembered that Fallout 3 has a bug where if you disconnect / reconnect a controller many functions stop working. I can no longer drop items or place custom map markers, for example. But this disconnect/reconnect process appears to happen each time I run the DirectVR scan?

    Is there any way for me to fix this?


    One of the games that do not allow mouse and gamepad input at the same time. Hence vorpX overrides the gamepad before running the scan to ensure mouse based head tracking works and then switches to native gamepad after the scan when mouse based head tracking isn’t required anymore. Doing that is also necessary for the scanner to work, so there is no way around it.


    Ugh. OK, thanks for the prompt response. I appreciate it. Can you give me a run-down on what a Direct VR scan sets? Does it set values I can set using the vorpX menu manually? If so I would just go ahead and set all those values (maybe FOV using the fallout .ini). That should work, if that’s the way Direct VR works (easier if there would be a way for me to see the values Direct VR sets when it scans).


    DirectVR head tracking means scanning the game‘s memory for the camera rotation/position memory location and then overwriting these with the headset values. That‘s nothing you can do otherwise.

    If you can‘t live with that Fallout 3 bug some reason, you can use the vorpX gamepad to mouse/keyboard mapper instead of the native gamepad support also with DirectVR active. Can be turned on and configured to your liking on the ‚Input’ page of the vorpX menu. Personally I would prefer the native gamepad though.

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